The Shield of Security: Preventing Data Downloads with Data Classification

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How can you prevent the downloading of critical data through reports?  Objectives: After reading this blog, you’ll be able to: Understand Data Classification Set up Data Classification for Fields  Understand Transaction Security Create a Transaction Security Policy Implement Enhanced Apex Transaction Security And much more

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Mastering the Art of Scheduling Batch Class in Apex

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How can the System.schedule() method be utilized for scheduling an Apex Batch job? Objectives: After reading this blog, you’ll be able to: Setup scheduled job though the Salesforce setup Understand the function and significance of the System.schedule() method. Learn step-by-step how to schedule an Apex

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Query Records by List of Ids in Flow

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How can you automatically delete open tasks related to opportunity and quote(s) when an opportunity is marked as closed lost?  Objectives: After reading this blog post, the reader will be able to: Understand @InvocableMethod and InvocableVariable Annotation Get sObject Type in Apex code Pass the

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