Automatically Create a Record from a Flow

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How do you automatically create a record using Salesforce Flow? Objectives: After reading this blog, you’ll be able to:  Understand the basic components of Salesforce Flow Learn how to auto-create a record using Salesforce Flow Business Use case Corey Eridon is working as a System

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Update Related Quotes to Denied Except for the One That Was Accepted

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How do I use automation to update an objects’ other related records? Objectives: After reading this blog, you’ll be able to:  Use Salesforce to automatically update quotes associated with an Opportunity Use the decision element to check the quote status  Define criteria so specific records

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Update the Case Status Through Email-to-Case Response

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How can you automatically update the case status when receives a response from customers via Email-to-Case? Objectives: This blog post will help us to understand the following Understand how email-to-case works  Create a flow that fires on the customer’s response to an email-to-case  Use decision

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Auto Forward Records to a Connection Using Salesforce Flow

Big Idea or Enduring Question: Salesforce-to-Salesforce is a natively supported feature of the Salesforce Platform and easily enables two dealing partners to share relevant data records in real-time. It allows you to share records with your business partners that use Salesforce and get real-time updates on the shared data. For

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