Add Chatter Followers to Record

How to auto add Chatter Followers to Record

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Automatically Add New User to Public Group or Queue

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How do you automatically add new users to a Public Group or Queue? Objectives: This blog post will help us to understand the following Create automation associated with creating a new user Automatically add a user to a specified Public Group or Queue with Flow

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Allow Users to Mass Transfer Records They Own

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How do you allow Sales reps an easy to transfer their opportunities to another user? In today’s world, Sales reps switch their job frequently. Transferring their existing or closed deals or leads to another user is time-consuming work. Salesforce provides various ways to change the Ownership of

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Allow Anyone to Add or Remove User into Public Group or Queue

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How can we use Salesforce Flow to allow anyone to Add or Remove Users from Public Groups or Queues? In Salesforce, Queues and Public Groups represent a group of users. Only administrators and delegated administrators can create and edit public groups. At the same time,

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Automatically Add a New Users to a Chatter Group

Big Idea or Enduring Question: How do you automatically add users into a Chatter Group?  Objectives: This blog post will help us to understand the following Use After-save Record-Triggered Flow add users to a chatter group Add a Time-dependent action in After-save Record-Triggered Flow What is a MIXED DML error and

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