Boost Your Thinking Skills – Tackle One Use Case at a Time! – Admin Excercise​ 3

Boost Your Thinking Skills – Tackle One Use Case at a Time! – Admin Excercise​ 3


Last Updated on July 6, 2023 by Rakesh Gupta

As of this point, we have completed several trails on Trailhead and are counting! As a result, we have amassed theoretical knowledge and have some practical experience. But, since our drive to learn Salesforce is insatiable, we want more!

Learning by doing is the key. So, let us look at several hands-on scenarios. By practicing, let us figure out how to identify, design and implement the best solution to solve a problem or a requirement.

Here is the game plan – take bite-size use cases and work on solving them. If you are stuck or get frustrated, reach out to me – I will guide you towards the solution but not solve it for you!

Why just me? It is very likely that a fellow-trailblazer may be your guide instead – remember that, when one teaches, two learn!! So, get the ball rolling and knock out the following use cases!!

Check out the previous exercises: 

Hands-on Excercise

Donna Serdula’s confidence, as a System Administrator at GoC, is building. She is very happy with her progress after solving the aforementioned use cases. Now, Donna wants to march forward by doing the following:

  1. Write automation to copy a lead’s email.
  2. Then, once the email is copied, Donna wants to check the length of the email. If the length of the email is less than 20 then, she wants to append the character ‘z’ to the email.

Help Donna to solve this requirement. Not only that, share with her different ways via which this requirement can be solved in Salesforce. And, last but not least, identify the best solution and explain why you believe it is the best solution!

Proofreader: - Munira Majmundar
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